#SiteSeeing on #Bali. Visiting the #Tempel on the #cliffs. #Indonesia #Asia View from my #terras during #Sunset. #Canggu #Bali #Homestay #risefield Spending the #weekend on #Bali: at the #Beach with an #IceTea. #Indonesia #Asia #sunshine Schreibe einen Kommentar Antworten abbrechenKommentar * Name * E-Mail * Website
#Sonnenuntergang am #Brocken. #Germany #Harz #Deutschland #Natur #Ausblick #Berg Beitragsdatum 10. August 2015
5 years ago I canceld my flat and sold most of the stuff inside to become a #fulltimeNomad. Now I bought a #wingchair as the firt piece for my #homebase. #NomadLife #digitalNomad #SchleswigHolstein #Home #Altbau Beitragsdatum 23. August 2019